ATR Technical Tour

ATR Technical Tour for CNR and SII2011

Life Supporting Services with Ubiquitous Network Robot Technology

ATR is a unique private Company established in Kansai region March 1986 with the aim of promoting fundamental and innovative R & D activities as well as contributing to society in a wide range of telecommunication fields.

For the last quarter century since our foundation, outstanding research outcomes have been steadily achieved in such fields as neuro/knowledge science, intelligent robotics, language translation and wireless communication through original and innovative research activities and collaboration work with various universities, research institutes, and companies within and outside of Japan. (more detail)

In this technical tour for participants of IEICE CNR and IEEE/SICE SII2011, we, ATR, introduce some of our research activities especially focusing on life supporting services with Ubiquitous Network Robot Technologies for elderly and challenged person. The tour includes following demonstrations:

  • Robotic wheelchair in a shopping mall
  • Human Tracking System with multiple laser range finders
  • Ubiquitous Market, robotic signage systems based on customer’s purchasing behavior
  • Telenoid, a portable teleoperated android

Date and Schedules:

December 19th, 2011.
13:30 Departure – Doshisha University (Imadegawa Campus)
13:50 Arrival – Kyoto University (In front of Clock Tower Centennial Hall)
14:00 Departure – Kyoto University (In front of Clock Tower Centennial Hall)
15:20 Arrival – ATR
15:30 — 16:50 ATR-Technical Tours
17:00 Departure – ATR
18:20 Arrival – Kyoto Station

Bus Stop for the tour:

There’s a tour bus that is leaving from two locations listed down below.

  1. Doshisha University (Imadegawa Campus)
  2. Kyoto University (Yoshida Campus)


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