Human Behavior Analysis

This project is to develop algorithms and/or sensors on people’s intentions, interests, etc for internal information and behaviors.

Driving Assessment

運転技能の自動評価We are developing an automatic driving assessment advising system based on safety driving experts and the use of small gyro-sensors, with the aim of preventing driving accidents.  [more detail]






MEMS Tactile Sensor

MEMS Tactile SensorWe are developing a robot tactile sensor that can precisely measure hand pressure and grip from human. This can be used in a next generation industrial human support robot so that a robot can hold an object with the right amount of presure, such that it will not drop it. Through experimental work using a tactile sensor attached to the robot’s fingers, we have developed a system automatic recognition system for holding objects. [more detail]





e-nightingale-eWe are conducting research on a knowledge sharing system that observes certain activities in our everyday life with ubiquitous sensors, interprets these activities, constructs knowledge such as the general tendencies of these activities from the interpretations, and provides useful knowledge to those developing improvements for the targeted activities. [more detail]